唱作歌手 | 音樂教育者
胡雪薇(Vivi Hu)是活躍於紐約的青年歌唱家,作曲家和多個音樂團體的音樂總監,她的原創歌曲”Rest In You”在2018 年獲得了“全球音樂獎”的“最佳女歌手,最佳作詞作曲和最佳福音音樂”的殊榮。她致力於國際藝術文化交流。她擅長西方爵士樂,福音音樂和中國傳統音 樂。她將中國式爵士樂和民間音樂帶到現代美國,同時將傳統西方福音音樂帶給中國觀眾。通過她的表演和音樂製作,她對於東西方根源音樂融合的熱情沉澱成了她獨特的聲響,她的 音樂不斷地吸引著來自世界各地的聽眾。
雪薇(Vivi)唯美的聲線和靈動的表演風格既保持了傳統的美感,又帶著現代流行樂的律動, 令人聯想到著名藝術家Sade Adu(莎黛). 迄今為止,她的才華在中美兩國的重要演出和音樂節中已得到了充分的展現,包括紐約的聯合國總部,法拉盛市政廳, 2017 皇后圖書館農曆新年慶典,紐約華美人文協會,紐約亞裔文化節, 紐約華人博物館以及中國的廈門鼓浪嶼音樂廳,上海夏至音樂節,太湖MIDI 音樂節等等。

Photo by Ni Ouyang
Born and raised in Xiamen China, Hu trained as a vocalist and flutist before launching her performance career in 2011. She sang R&B and soul music in local bars in Xiamen. She explored the roots of R&B and Soul music leading her to jazz and gospel music. Her first exposure to jazz came in 2013 at the JZ Music Festival in Shanghai, sparking a passion for infusing traditional Chinese music and Mandarin pop with the art form. At the same time, she joined the Paul & Timothy Gospel Choir and later on formed Hosanna Gospel Choir. In her solo music, she incorporated R&B, soul, and gospel styles into her Chinese music performances.
In addition to singing, Hu has built a reputation as a leader in music composition, arrangement, and concert production. Her enthusiasm for jazz and performance brought her to New York City in 2015 to further her studies at Queens College, where she earned a master’s degree in music with a focus on jazz performance for voice. She continues to bring the traditions of Chinese folk, mandarin pop, and jazz into her music, such as in her 2017 performance “Shanghai Memories: Golden Songs from the 1930s and 1940s” at Flushing Town Hall. For this performance, she co-lead the band to provide the jazz arrangement for traditional Shanghainese songs, some of which she translated into English, as well as facilitating communication between the Chinese traditional instrumentalists and jazz musicians.
She released her EP New Creation, an album of original jazz and gospel music in both English and Chinese in 2018. Her second project “Moonlight,” in the style of Hokkien folk fusion jazz, was also released in 2018. In 2020, she released “You Stepped Out of My Dreams,” an R&B arrangement of a jazz standard in both English and Chinese and “1000 Things,” an original R&B love song. In 2021, she released “茶香味 (Oolong Tea),” an original song that mixes the styles of Lo-Fi, R&B, Chinese folk, and Mandarin pop music. In 2022, she’s releasing “Vivi, Hu?,” an original song that’s inspired by her Chinese and English name discussing one’s identity.
She has worked with Poogie and Winston Bell as producers and performed with Burnett Thompson and Eugene Montenero.